Since we lanched Gigahost in 2005, we've kept the same monthly price. For just one amount, it's been possible to collect web pages, domains, and email address on one account, as well as to use statistics, unlimited databases, advanced PHP with adjustable settings, cron jobs, and much more. And it will stay that way.
We're very happy about our concept, and wish to keep things as simple as possible. In order to be able to continue the development and improvement of our product, and to deliver the same high level of service, we now increase the monthly price to £ 3 per month. You still get the same Gigahost account you've always known, for less than 10 pence a day.
If you are already a customer, you will not be affected by the increase before your current term ends. Thus, you won't be billed extra for your remaining time on your account.