Warning! Don’t trust letters from “Domain Registry of America”
Many owners of .com, .net, or .org domains receive letters from an organisation calling themselves “Domain Registry of America” or “Domain Renewal Group”. This company earns its money by finding out when certain domain names will expire, and then by sending off a bill for the renewal of the domain. If you pay the bill, the domain will be transferred to their service, and if you proceed with the transfer, the domain will have to be renewed through their service in the future, at a quite higher price.
Searching for “Domain Registry of America” on Federal Trade Commission.
Therefore, we simply recommend people to tear and bin letters from Domain Registry of America whenever one is received. When your domains are due to be renewed, you will automatically receive an email from Gigahost. It is not necessary to pay others for .com/.net/.org domains.
If you are doubting the validity of a letter you received, you are welcome to forward it to our customer support and ask if we know anything about it.